Well....its almost show season! I am excited - and CRAZY CRAY CRAY BUSY getting new work together! I am also trying to expand my 'empire' -- mostly into the USA! OK..... SO....FIRST UP.... DISNEY THEMED ART SHOW La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, USA Saturday May 26th, 2018 I won't be there.....but I am excited about this new adventure in the USA! Go visit them at www.labodegagallery.com WHY COME? - I won't be there - but it looks like it's gonna be a FUN show! (and its California - so DUH!) NEXT UP....... RIVEDALE ART WALK 2018 BOOTH #1 -- INDOORS The Jimmie Simpson Recreation Centre, 870 Queen St E, Toronto, ON June 2nd and June 3rd, 2018. Riverdale ArtWalk is a FREE two-day, public fine art exhibition showcasing established and emerging artists in Jimmie Simpson Park and Community Centre in Toronto’s flourishing Queen East arts district. The first outdoor art show of Toronto’s season, the Riverdale ArtWalk is a great place to connect with artists and buy that perfect piece for your home! WHY COME??? I will be selling my NEW clever word play paintings and I will also be featuring my city/landscape paintings! EXCITING! I will also be selling my limited edition giclees. It is indoors - so I will not be grumpy....and will be DELIGHTFUL to chat with! ISn't that enough reason to visit??? Next up..... ETSY: MADE IN CANADA SPRING 2018 INDOORS Saturday June 23rd, 10am-6pm Campbell House Museum, 160 Queen West, Toronto WHY COME??? I will be selling some of my word play paintings and I will also be featuring my full line of giclees postcards and merch! THIS IS THE ONLY SHOW THAT I AM SELLING A FULL LINE OF MERCH AT! WOOT WOOT! (ALSO I AM INDOORS - so my good attitude will be in full effect!) AND THEN.....IN JULY.... THE TORONTO OUTDOOR ART EXHIBITION 2018 Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St W, Toronto, ON July 6th - 8th, 2018. BOOTH C-232 July 6th, 10am - 7pm July 7th, 10am - 7pm July 8th, 10am - 5pm Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition is Canada’s largest, longest running juried contemporary outdoor art fair. Founded in 1961, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition was established to put contemporary visual artists and makers at the front and centre of their works, in direct contact with the public, to nurture artistic excellence and artists’ entrepreneurial spirit. This free public event showcases works by over 340 contemporary visual artists and makers, ranging in medium from painting, photography, and mixed media to jewellery and ceramics, and attracts 115,000 visitors each year to Nathan Phillips Square. HERE'S THE MAP: WHY COME???
I will ONLY be selling ORIGINALS at this show! (NO limited edition prints) I will be showing BRAND NEW WORKS....I'm excited! IT IS THE BIGGEST OUTDOOR SHOW IN CANADA....and it is a great way to see original art....you don't wanna miss this BIG BOY! (I have a great location - although it is outdoors....so fingers crossed!!) So there you go!!! THAT is my lineup for the summer fun! Lots going on, RIIIIGHT!? I hope to see you out at these events!!! NOW BACK TO THE EASEL TO PAINT!!!!
HEY FRIENDS AND ART LOVERS! So...I am in the midst of a busy season of commissioned work. It's EXCITING - and a little stressful! Why stressful?? Well, the truth is a commissioned painting takes double the amount of time as a regular painting. HOWEVER, they are also pretty rewarding. To have a client get EXACTLY what they want is WONDERFUL! I usually put too much pressure on myself for it to be PERFECT....which is the stressful part! BUT....in the end it is ALWAYS worth it! So.....here is a recently finished commission. For this one, the client had already purchased this painting from my "Mixed Message Series": The painting was inspired by The Wizard of Oz. She was one of 5 pieces I did themed around Oz. I modelled all the artwork after traditional still life oil paintings...in a colour scheme that is a little more 'adult' than most of my work...here are the rest in the series: So the client wanted a companion piece for "Clean Sweep", but wanted it themed around Alice in Wonderland. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I started with writing down some ideas....to make it work in my 'mixed message' series, it had to be punny...it was a challenge....it was a lot of research and brainstorming BEFORE even painting! In the end, the client decided on "To a Tea".... I started to work on a drawing that had text to match his previous painting....and came up with this drawing... I wanted it to have a still life oil painting look....and wanted it to have a number of key Alice in Wonderland elements...obviously it was a tea party....but I also put in a pocket watch and a Queen of Hearts playing card..... WHAT? GENUIS??? STOP IT!!!! Once I got approval from the client on this rough drawing/direction, I started painting! I kept my painting from the other series close by - so i kept in the same range of colours. I wanted these two to work together PERFECTLY!! I put in more yellows, and some pinks BUT kept the blacks greens and teals in the same range....I sent a photo of the 'final' painting the client for any last suggestions....and then finished this little beauty up!! HERE is the final piece...I am thrilled, and so is the client! SO THRILLED!
So, YOU TOO could have your own tailor-made painting! If you LOVE my style....and you know what my final paintings look like....you can always commission me to do something that fits your life and environment perfectly! YOU can choose the size, the colours, the theme.....you just have to TRUST in my vision....and WHAM-O-BAM-O there is the art piece for you! One that we work on together for YOU! Send me an email today!! Later gaters! HEY!!! These are fun times! LITERALLY! I am working on the silliest work I have done to date! The new pieces are LARGE versions of my classic 6" x 6" Mixed Message series paintings....I haven't shown them YET....but I am excited for people to see them! As you know, I am really not a wildlife painter, so getting the chance to paint animals has been super fun! It's good to try a new thing! I think the large pieces are some of the most successful pieces I have done in this series. I hope you can check them out next week at Noodle Gallery -- which is a BEAUTIFUL space in Caledon: HERE ARE THE SHOW DEETS: "PLAY UP!" Noodle Gallery, Studio 216, 1402 Queen St.,Alton Village, Caledon, ON. February 21st to March 25th, 2018. Artist reception: Sunday, March 4th, 1pm-4pm. A group exhibition of whimsical artwork...and here are the other artists you will see at this playful show: Be sure to check out: Bernice Lum, Kukucaju, Dudemanart, Eric Allen Montgomery and Robin Davis Studio ALL SUPER FUN AND WHIMSICAL STUFF!!! As I keep mentioning, I have completed OVER 40 brand new pieces for the show....and I am thrilled! In addition to animals, there are some more landscape-y works available at this show! This one is called "Trailblazer", and was a LOT of work....but I am happy with how it turned out EVENTUALLY....here are a couple in-process photos... AND HERE IS THE FINAL IMAGE: In the end it was A LOT more work than I expected...I couldn't get it working for several days! At one point, I even thought I would just quit....BUT THEN....as soon as I stopped looking at my reference, I GOT IT!
That was a great lesson! It is great to have your plan, drawings and reference for the final piece, but at some point you need to put it ALL away and paint how you are feeling!! I hope someone snaps this beauty up! Remember, you can see this big boy LIVE and in person at Noodle Gallery starting this upcoming Wednesday February 21st! Or come up - AND CHAT WITH ME - at the big artist reception on Sunday, March 4th, 1pm-4pm. It is a really fun show, and it in a really great space In the words of Charlie Brown....GOOD FRIGGIN' GRIEF! It has been MONTHS since I blogged about something. Is it because I have nothing to blog about? NO. I have several things I have wanted to share! Is it because I am a lazy mole-man** ? **Mole-man behaviour occurs when I don't leave my basement for weeks at a time - sometimes painting in my actual pjamas! This phenomenon is also known as "Wiarton-Willie-Fever" - also known as the "Punksatony-Phil-Flu". Maybe partially.....but honestly .....blogging just takes time I don't seem to have in a week....and I am not sure it helps my career in any way!! But it's a new year....so I thought I would try again! Now....I would LOVE to promise you that I would get back to regular blogging (3 times a week)....but that would be a HUUUUGE lie! And I do not want to lie to you, you're my friend!(Or you're a spybot that is going to direct me to your off-brand Viagra pill site!) Okay so since it is January, and almost "Let's Talk Day"...I thought I might talk about my own mental health a bit... The truth is, I find January/February/March the HARDEST months. I am not sure if it is the winter related, or post-Christmas-blues, or end-of-year-taxes-sadness....but I genuinely find it hard....and I can be prone to depression....so I really need to WORK HARD to not fall down the rabbit hole of "poor me"! I have talked fairly openly about my sensitive nature and how I find dealing with rejection challenging - in these old blog posts... I have talked about loss and grief a lot as well (especially in my OLD blog!) Time and time again, I have also talked about ”the power of gratitude to heal and enhance your life” and about "running your own race". But honestly, I find I still battle with this "compare and despair" mentality. Normally, I just need to write down my feelings and I can stop myself from getting caught up in it....so that's what I am doing here today! Honestly, I blame social media for igniting the fires of doubt and then depression! Well...I guess FIRST, I have to blame my own insecurity...but THEN I blame social media! I have been working as an artist for a LOOOOOONG time now, and now that I am at a certain point in my career, I really notice those who have surpassed me with their successes in the industry. I try not to, but I am bit weak! Ok.....so I blame my insecurities THEN my weakness, THEN social media! BLAME BLAME BLAME...ugh. I then look at those who I helped when they were getting started, and notice those who have incredible things happen in their career, while I am still battling it out in the mud and rain in a park... Then.....once I have headed that far down Poor Robbie Avenue, (you don't wanna go there - it is a dark, sinister tree-lined road) I look at the kids coming up who get INCREDIBLE opportunities, that I had to work like a MOFO to get....and I feel a sick feeling of "WHY YOU??" I get angry and envious....which is no doubt because I am a perfectionist.... It's ugly!!!!! BUT....my long suffering husband said something recently that helped me re-frame things.... He KNOWS I tend to compare my failures to other peoples successes.....and so he suggested that instead of focusing on the small percentage of my peers that "out success-ed" me, that I can look at the number that have not made it this 'far'. Not to revel in other people's losses, but to help me focus on my own gains. I can then look at the newbies who get the opportunities that I don't, and instead of feeling jealousy, remember how hard it is to make success last in this career and focus on THAT sense of accomplishment. I am calling it the "Elton John -I'm Still Standing" technique... Don't you know that I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid And I'm still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah Next time you get that awful feeling...and I KNOW I am not alone in this, just channel your inner Elton: This winter (aka depression season) to keep living my own truth...to run my own race, to live laugh and love with gratitude. To be honest with others, and compassionate to those who need it. And to NOT be caught up in the number of followers I DON'T have on Instagram! Because that isn't important! THAT seems like something I can do. The Bitch is back! RIIIIIGHT?? (That's another Elton reference for those under age 30!) Let's all do it! And remember....if worse comes to worse..... ...and gosh darn it......people like you!
Later gaters! It's rare in the art business that you meet people who like your work enough to take a chance on you. Rarer still is to meet people that share your enthusiasm for building things TOGETHER! The idea of building together is something that is very important to me. I grew up in the theatre world, where there was always a "we're all in this together" attitude! Everyone was working towards the same goal, and was mostly respectful of each other's part in it! In the art world, it is often a bit dog eat dog. Your peers are often your competition. Galleries and retailers are often out to exploit your work or care very little about helping artists build and grow. It has always been the most frustrating part of the business for me! I am fortunate that the galleries and retailers that I am represented by NOW have great enthusiasm for my work. I work WITH them, and have a relationship built on MUTUAL RESPECT and honesty. I know that the people I work with will treat me well, because I will always treat them well. They will promote me, as much as I promote THEM! More than just honesty and respect, I now only work with people who are NICE! Right Tay-tay??? WHY? The thing is, there are loads of people out there who are just out for themselves, and good for them, I guess. But I can't be involved in their biz-ness. I have been jerked around by a LOT of people in my professional career, which is too bad....but hd also taught me to trust my instincts and seek out people who are good at what they do, and ALSO good people. Now why am I going on about this? Because I was in Hamilton for the SUPERCRAWL as a guest of The Hamilton Store. During the day I got to spend a fair amount of time talking to Donna (the owner)....who is a complete delight! (and Mark who works at the store, and is also delightful!!) And we had a talk about the kind of relationships Donna has with her artists and vendors. It is remarkable. I count myself lucky that I get to be there! As you know from my MANY MANY blog posts, The Hamilton Store (and Donna) are FANTASTIC! The store has so much MORE than just GREAT Hamilton gifts. There is a HUGE section of local edibles that even TORONTO people would fall in love with!Honestly such a nicely curated store! NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN HAMILTON....YOU MUST MUST MUST go in! And please say hello from Rob! Also this past weekend I was talking a lot about WHY I was in Hamilton....considering I am not a Hamiltonian. I kept explaining that although I LOVE my own city, I also love Hamilton. They have been very nice to me, and the clients I have met appreciate my work! I think they also appreciate that I am not one of those jerky Toronto people...who want to change them, or put them down. I like Hamilton for it's faults and it's challenges, as much as for it's renewal and it's can do spirit!!! My friend Cindy Scaife and I even got a mention in the Hamilton Spectator: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
THAT is what it is about! I think if there was just a little bit more of that in the world...we would ALL be better off! Thank you again Hamiltonians for your support this last weekend, and I look forward to coming again! And thanks to Donna and Mark and the rest of the staff at thehamiltonstore.caThe Hamilton Store for being so FREAKING FANTASTIC to work with! Last year, I was a part of Hamilton's James Street Supercrawl. Truthfully....it was the straw that broke the Croxford's back. It was hot...then rainy...it had LONNNNNG hours and the installation I was beside nearly made me go POSTAL. READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE: supercrawlsuperpost.html SO.....after a terrible 2016 of rain and sweat I decided to trim BACK my show schedule for 2017. FAST FORWARD TO NOW.....I am doing ONE DAY at The Supercrawl as a guest of (thehamiltonstore.ca) The Hamilton Store!!! So here are the details..... SUPER SATURDAY IN THE COURTYARD SEPTEMBER 9TH from 11am-11:30pm The Hamilton Store 165 James Street North, Hamilton ON. (North of Cannon / West side) I will have all my Hamilton Merch and art - as well as a selection of my other works! I have THIS BRAND NEW piece at the show too: As you can see I chose 6 signs that I LOVE from Hamilton: 1. The Bowlero Lanes Bowling Alley 2. The Tivoli Theatre 3. Hutch's on the Beach 4. The City Motor Hotel and Restaurant 5. Hendry's Shoes 6. The Millionaires Drive-Inn A few of these are just HISTORY now....but there are a couple that you can still see around Hamilton! Why call this one "Electric City"? Well that was a Hamilton nickname at one point....lemme share WIKIwhy: The Dominion Power and Transmission Company in 1896 brought hydroelectric power to Hamilton from their plant at DeCew Falls. The title of a 1906 promotional booklet on the city proudly proclaimed that Hamilton was "The Electric City." New industries, such as the forerunners of the Steel Co. of Canada (Stelco) and Canadian Westinghouse, were attracted here by the cheaper, more efficient power. By 1938, with a population nearing 155,000 inhabitants and home to 500 + manufacturing plants, (centre of Canadian Steel and Electronic activities), the city's promotional brochures were boasting that Hamilton was home to more than fifty flourishing branches of United States and British industries, with invested capital approximating $150,000,000. They were also advertising that "Hamilton was home to the cheapest hydro power in the entire world." So that is why I chose to work with that theme....and also because I had already made a piece about the INDUSTRY of Hamilton... So come out on Saturday the 9th....I'd love to see you there! Some days it is hard to believe that I have been working as my own boss......as a full time artist for so long. This year, more than ever, I have begun to feel like an 'elder statesman' in my local art scene. I have freely doled out hard-won advice to very talented artists that are just starting out. WHICH IS WEIRD AND FRIGHTENING! I guess it means that at this point in my career I have been doing this art thing long enough to know basically what I am doing! ISH! That is NOT so say I have it all figured out. Truthfully, I have more questions/worries NOW than I had 14 years ago when I completed my first painting! But after going through my inventory spreadsheet today I realized I have hit a career landmark. I wanted to share it with all of you!!!!! I HAVE NOW PAINTED 1000 paintings!! Yes.....that is ONE EFFING THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you amortize that over my 14 year career, it works out to about 71 paintings a year! Now....let's be clear....some of these paintings have been only 6" x 6".....but still....it's remarkable! RIGHT?? I am actually kinda proud of myself.....and as I look back, I am astounded with how much better my skills are than say......990 paintings ago.... This is one of my first paintings....Husband calls this one "Frau Blücher" (from the Young Frankenstein movie): Sadly.....he is right on!!! I REAALLY hate this painting....it should be embarrassing....but the truth is....it took Frau....and these hideous failures...... ....to get the right feeling for these three from a decade later: In another decade, will I look back at these paintings through an objective (aka critical) lens to see their flaws? Probably! Sounds like me! I am super mean to myself! ;-) I have improved with my landscapes too.... Don't get me wrong......I still stand by this painting.....that is from 2005....about 940 paintings ago.....but I DO think my new piece is just a bit stronger..... CLEARLY, as the years have gone by, my skills have improved, but what of my concept?
I am 100% sure that my inner-artist voice has gotten stronger. I know what I want to say, and I know how I want to say it. My work now is all about a clever....some might say 'smarty-pants' approach. And that is how I LOVE it. NO! It is NOT for everyone. But that is more an more okay with me. I guess that being clever-ish is my "gimmick", it is what makes me unique, and also what makes it all worth doing!! My art is the truest reflection of me as a person. I am BEYOND GRATEFUL that I have been able to be a part of my clients lives, all 700+ of them! THAT....is what art is about! To touch other people,(no, not literally) to make them laugh, or to make them think, to enrich their lives - or at least enrich their walls!!! And I know the next 1000 paintings will be better still because I: FOLLOW MY INNER COMPASS! WORK HARD! And most of all I LOVE WHAT I DO! Thanks for coming along on the journey!!!!! ONTO THE NEXT 1000!!!!!! ** fun drinking game.....everytime I mention the word "grateful" take a shot! (BUT you'lll be DRINK mid-read!!) YOU are a patient person! THANKS! I'll try to make this worth while! I have been busy catching up with a MILLION things since the Toronto Outdoor Art Show ended. I gave the site a tiny facelift....I also worked on a small mural, and finished a small commission....BUT....that's not the important stuff.....let's talk about TOAE 2017! Sometimes the "art world" is a breeding ground for insecurity, and more often than I would like, an exhibition is like a pressure cooker for that same insecurity! Honestly, the feelings I have around shows - are the feelings that I am medicated by my therapist FOR! ;-) Once the insecurity and/or ego boost of acceptance has work off...there is the insecurity about seeing other artists work and successes. Each year there is artwork that is STELLAR - that you can feel inferior to, there is artwork that you think is comparable to yours....that sells WAY better.....and there is some artwork that you can't connect with. One man's art is another man's "my kid can do this". On the first day I heard a "THIS isn't for me" in reference to my art...and a "No. Just NO!" about my art....people are funny. (And by "funny" I mean awful!) ;-) I murdered both of these people....JUST KIDDING....I just rolled my eyes and harshly judged their outfits in my head. :-) So...let's go through my days in the square in pictures (I won't be talking about my peers and their art. It is all great, and I am grateful to be included!): All and all, I would say it was a successful show for me. I sold a few original paintings, and a BUNCH of my limited edition giclees! I am happy.....but as usual, I miss the OLD DAYS...when I sold a LOT of paintings. Still....I am VERY grateful! It was a good location for the weather....that is - there was less direct sun on me, and good air-flow! THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE FOR CUTTING ME SOME SLACK!!!!!! It was not as great for traffic flow! The real truth is....the show happens on the square...like in ALL the TOAE photos: Then again.....I am grateful to be in the TOAE at all! Right?? In the weeks after the TOAE you usually get an avalanche of "opportunity" emails. I call them SPAM! They are often pay-to-show "opportunities" OR "please donate your art" emails OR sales pitches for products I NEED to help my art business! I especially love the form letters.... "HELLO ______, We loved your work at ______. We think your work would be great for.........if you pay us.........you get to be a part of this opportunity....." So 2 weeks later, and TEN follow up "opportunity"/DONATION emails later.....I am a little lost on which amazing opportunity to exploit next. ;-) The big winner for my artwork was MOST DEFINITELY the Raccoon Streetcar! I am trying not to succumb to the 'put a raccoon on it' mentality. BUT I could have sold that one painting at least 3/4 times over!! So...do I work up a bunch more paintings that have a similar theme??? Or I could just paint a raccoon into ALL my existing artworks...like this: So....all and all a good experience from the TOAE 17.
I am thankful to EVERYONE who came out to see the new work! THRILLED to have sold some paintings to some good homes, and to have met some new people who enjoyed my art! Thanks to husband for helping me get it all done. He is a SAINT. (SHHHH DO NOT TELL HIM THAT!) And thanks to all the volunteers and staff at TOAE. Glad to be a part of the show! HEY GUYS! I just wanted to welcome another fine retailer to the Rob Croxford merch. family! The Papery: Mon - Wed - 10am to 6pm Thurs & Fri - 10am to 7pm Saturday - 10am to 6pm Sunday - 12pm to 5pm 124 Cumberland Street Toronto, Ontario Canada - M5R 1A6 Phone: (416) 962-3916 They have tonnes of GREAT stuff...cards, stationery, gift wrap, journals....and well....pretty much anything made of paper! OH....and now they carry a selection of my DELIGHTFUL postcards!!! Below....is only half the store - as you can see it is chock-o-block: This place has been around for over 40 years!!!
WOW, right? If you haven't been....YOU MUST go! GO! GO NOW!! So....this is a great new print available in my store - and is also available as a postcard: It is based on my painting.....and I told you all about the production of this piece HERE! So here are the deets on this print: A Giclée (pronounced "jhee-clay") is a sophisticated inkjet method of printing on acid free watercolor paper. These are produced for Rob by a professional Giclee Printer on an Epson printer with K3 pigment inks. Each is printed in 2 sizes, 16" x 20" ($80.00) and 8" x 10" ($35.00). These are small editions.....so you'll wanna get 'em while you can!! The imagery is 100% MINE, and is based on a portion of a previously painted original. The paper is high qualtity, acid and chlorine free 100% cotton rag paper. Which is NICE paper! You can buy this one in my store....and you can also buy it in Hamilton at The Hamilton Store or at The Cotton Factory. You can't see the original right now......because it is currently hanging at Hamilton City Hall: That's me above with Mayor Eisenburger of Hamilton!
SUPER EXCITING TIMES FOR ME!!! So....there you go! Go buy a postcard or print of the NEWEST Hamilton print! GO NOW! ;-) |
MY BLOG - YOUR INBOX:AuthorRob is a professional artist, lover of vintage stuff, part time smart @ss and compulsive pancake eater! Archives
December 2019