BE WARNED - these pieces may be considered little "RISKIER" than my regular works....so if you are not an adult - or are easily offended - check out ANY other of my art collections! :-)
I created this slightly naughty new exhibition for Nuit Rose (a festival of queer art and performance) June 16th. These paintings are an extension of my Mixed Message Series and they use word play to illustrate the pejorative gay slang I heard in my youth. Back in grade school words like “ homo”, “fairy” and “fag” were labels that held real power. As a gay adult, we find new slang expressions that kinda also alienate and divide the LGBTQ community. By exploring these labels in a clever and whimsical way, I hope to reveal their pointless nature by removing that power. Making these phrases seem trivial helps us question the need for such labels even within the LGBTQ community.
Each of these pieces is ONE OF A KIND and each is hand painted and designed by yours truly!
Many are sold. But if you love something you see...email me, and I'll see what I can do for you!!