Are you sick of celebrating with me? YES! There ARE things to celebrate every day!!!!!!!!! Today, it's "Tell a Fairytale Day". WHAT THE WHAT does that mean? Well.....the inter web says this: "Gather round the fire, and make yourselves comfortable… Tell A Fairy Tale Day is all about exploring myths and stories, old and new. From Grim(m) tales to urban legends, tap the dark corners of your subconscious and see what you find….." So with that in mind I wanted to share some OOOOOLD work. Here are a some memories from my "Fairytale Series" TWELVE YEARS AGO!(YEESH) Here was my artist statement explain this series of work..... In the past, Fairy tales were used to teach us lessons. My work takes this old text and through irony, word puns and satire, re-invents the often-outdated subject matter to draw attention to current issues. I still like the concept a lot.....please enjoy these photos! Wow!
What a blast from the past! A lot has happened in the decade since this series, but I am grateful it help to shape me as an artist! Fun little flash back....right!? Have a good "Tell A Fairy Tale Day"....may your day be full of Fairies!
Again....I am NOT EVEN KIDDING! This is truly a day I can get behind celebrating!!! I will be in Florida celebrating like this: YES! I WILL BE TIPPING MY BARTENDER.....but then I ALWAYS do! I am Canadian! (And my hubby used to be a bartender himself!) But beyond drinking your face can also celebrate with these two available FUN 6" x 6" paintings: GO HAVE A DRINK!
You deserve it!!! I WILL BE HAVING ONE! YUP! I am GONE GONE GONE! Taking a week or so to gather my thoughts and enjoy the sun! I'm sorry. But I am sure I will have a LOT to blog about when I get back!! Wanna know where I am going?? Here is a big hint: THIS is what my family looked like last time I went to this place!
A LOT has changed for my little family, some for the better, some for the FAR worse. BUT I am looking forward to reminiscing and making some NEW memories!! Be assured, I will be having a drink for my folks....and hey.....I'll even have one for you too! (You're WELCOME!) Look for more on this NEXT week! (or check out my Instagram for some fun pics!) I wish you all the warmest weather whilst i am gone! Later gators! YUP! It's real!!!!! #CherryPieDay is TODAY! Celebrate in any way you see fit! With a little retro-hard-rock: OR NOT. Sadly, I fear I know all the words to this TRULY DREADFUL SONG.... DAMN YOU CLARKE ROAD SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION!!!! I will leave you with this little painting of mine..... I hope that cleansed you palette!
Have a great Cherry Pie Day! HAPPY THURSDAY!!!! Well.....after 2 weeks of work, my latest painting is D-O-N-E! It is also the first piece of art I have completed at my new studio! It has been a great learning curve....and so fantastic to STAND to paint again! Trust me, my chiropractor is happy with me!! "Sign-sational Toronto" I am gonna show you how it progressed: So in this painting I pay hommage to the greatest signs in the city! Let's break it down... 1.) Honest Ed's - soon this Toronto icon will be a memory! You KNOW I have painted this guy SEVERAL times, but it is still such a draw for can see my SOLD Ed's paintings HERE...or my daytime - "Sign of the Times" Ed's painting (which is amazingly still available) OR Ed's print HERE. 2. The El Mocombo sign is also an institution. Although it is out for repairs, you will hopefully see it up again SOON! NEVER painted this one....and honestly - this was the whole reason I wanted to do this painting! YAY! 3.)Club Zanzibar has the most wonderful sign on Yonge Street! I love how it blinks and chases and glows....and NO....I have NEVER been into this glorious snake pit! BUT I have painted 3 times....all those paintings are sold....but if you wanted to buy one...I would love to revisit it again! ;-) 4.) The Inglis sign was like the first welcome to the city, along the Gardiner it is GONE....I used to be so happy to see it when I came back to Toronto after a weekend away in my hometown of London.....sigh.... 5.) The Massey Hall sign looks BETTER than ever!!! I am thrilled to paint this guy!!!! I would love an excuse to do the whole building....stay tuned..... 6.) The Goof (AKA THE GARDEN GATE RESTAURANT) is a great eatery with a great sign! It is also an integral part of the Beach (or Beaches) history and hopefully it is around for MANY more years! 7.) Sam the Record Man. Steeped in controversy, this sign is currently being refurbished (No...for reals!!) and will soon find its way into Dundas Square! Yes...I currently have a day version of this sign available HERE....and as a print.....I also have a few SOLD versions of it (and a commission) you can check out too! So there you go!
A big splashy new painting! Come out to Walnut Studios to see it in person - or look for it at my outdoor shows this upcoming season! AAAAAND...yes.....I will probably be making prints of this one too! What do you think of the final piece? Have a great week! I see you shiver with annnnntiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiPATION.... Okay.... That is enough with the Rocky Horror... Seriously though, I really wanna encourage you to come by my new digs at Walnut Studios...if you wanna know more about Walnut, just read my previous blog entries! I am currently working on a COUPLE new pieces, which is a new concept for me. Traditionally I work on one piece at a time....but now that I have the luxury of SPACE (and more importantly HEIGHT) I can do more!! So I am working up "Robots Gone Wild": Which is coming along.... But I am ALSO working on this 36" x 48" big boy..... This one is called "Sign-sational Toronto"
Come down and visit me to see how it is developing!!! Or come down and see some of my other paintings!! Just send me an email......and look for another post next week on my sign tasted new painting! Later gators! (And happy Plum Pudding Day!!! Okay.....week 2 in the new studio....staring off with a bang...well....not really. TODAY, while I should be celebrating "Laugh and Get Rich Day", "Clean Out Your Computer Day", "Opera Day" or "Kite Flying Day" - I am instead working on a mural. YES! Mural Monday! (FYI "Mural Monday" not a real holiday - like the other "holidays" I listed) I know what you are thinking..... "Rob, you still do mural work??" And the truth is, YES, from time to time, I do a little mural work. UPDATE: here is the progress on the mural that I have been working on with Cindy Scaife.... (You can see more of cindys work at !) If you haven't seen any of my mural work.... You suck. JUST KIDDING..... You could take a look HERE to see some highlights of my mural working life........but I thought I would post a couple that ARE NOT on my site...... (You can see more of cindys work at !) If you haven't seen any of my mural work.... You suck. JUST KIDDING..... You could take a look HERE to see some highlights of my mural working life........but I thought I would post a couple that ARE NOT on my site...... So there you go! Mural-paloooza! Now let's hope this week's work is JUST AS ELABORATE!!!
AAAAANNNDD.....if you are ever looking to get an amazing mural done - hire a PROFESSIONAL.....with a lot of experience....believe makes all the difference in the world!!! HAPPY to fly a kite!! as you know.....I moved into my studio space at Walnut Studios this week. It is a pretty exciting! I am excited and nervous! Read all about the move HERE! So I thought I would share with you all the things that went through my head on the first day in the new studio......please enjoy...... 7:45am - Get up (begrudgingly). 8:00am - Settle in front of the TV with my coffee and oatmeal. 8:30am - Get ready to go downstairs to the studio....oh F**K...I don't work here any more!!!! UGH! 8:31am - Consider the merits of going back to bed 9:00am - pack for my first working day in the new studio..... 9:01am - I am sure it is gonna be great! 10:30am- OH CRAP! WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG???? 10:32am- Why am I running so late already? 10:33am- What shoes should I wear at my new studio? Wonder if there are any online shoe sales? WAIT! Am I wasting MORE time? 10:37am- Okay, bags & suitcases packed, and 2 oversized bags of hard could this be to transport!? 10:45am- Decide to take GO train, to save time, and because the ABJECT HUMANITY of the TTC when you are carrying a lot of crap is just TOO AWFUL to face. I mean ART - not crap..... 10:55am- Get all my crap lugged onto GO...oh...did I say crap again? I mean my life's fulfillment! 11:07am- Arrive at Union Station. WAIT! I HAVE TO CHANGE TRAINS TO CONTINUE WEST?? ARE YOU F***KING KIDDING ME??? 11:08am- lug all bags and luggage down 2 flights of stairs walk through Union Station, find the track I need - great - it is track 24 - and I am at track 3 - okay....lug lug lug your crap...oh....okay now UP the flight of stairs again..... 11:25am- Made it! Not inconvenient at all! 11:35am- Am at Exhibition Station.....totally worth it for a 10 minute ride...lug lug lug.... 11:45am - Gee.....this is a long walk to Walnut Studios..... 11:46am - is better and cheaper than a GYM membership! 11:48am - I hate this. 11:56am - There is a starbucks - I should get a Caramel Macchiato noon - REALLY ROB??? Why did taking all this seem like a good idea.....lug lug lug.... 12:08pm - ARRIVE AT STUDIO! Wow am I sweaty. But look at all this light in the studio: 12:09pm - So warm and bright!! 12:10pm - OH GOD!!!! WHY IS SO FREAKING BRIGHT IN HERE????? 12:11pm - I HATE YOU SUN!!!! I cannot wait until it is darker! 12:15pm - Okay....time to start a new painting. No more delays! 12:20pm - Wow. How long has it been since I have painted?? 12:32pm - has been almost 2 months since I have painted last! That has got to be a record! 12:33pm - WHAT IF I HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO PAINT???? 12:35pm - ENOUGH! Just do it lazy man. WORK WORK WORK!!! 1:09pm - LUNCH? 1:10pm - LUNCH? 1:11pm - LUNCH? 1:12pm - LUNCH? 1:15pm - LUNCH? 1:16pm - LUNCH? 1:20pm - LUNCH? 1:22pm - LUNCH? 1:24pm - OKAY FINE!!!!! I gotta eat.....I am not getting into the groove here at all! 2:00pm - "Back to the house of slavery" as my Dad used to day! 2:01pm - Why are all the other artists here chatting right now? 2:03pm - Need music.....all I can hear is other people's conversations...MUST....STOP....LISTENING....IN... 2:05pm: ....wait....what is he saying? 2:09pm - MUSIC! 2:11pm - "GIRLS....WE RUN THIS MOTHER.....GIRLS....WE RUN THIS MOTHER.....GIRLS....WE RUN THIS MOTHER....." 2:22pm - "AND I AM TELLING YOU.....I'M NOT GOING....YOU'RE THE BEST MAN, I'll EVER KNOW.....NO NO NO THERE'S NO WAY......" 2:30pm - Time for some Cher-apy.... 2:31pm - "If I could turn back tiiiiiime......" 2:40pm - When's dinner? 3:30pm - WOW....I am really making progress here! Way to be busy at work Robbie!!! 3:33pm - (answering a phonecall) "HEY!! No. I'm not busy! Ya....come on over - I would love to show you the new studio!" 3:35pm - take my picture for instagram.....make it took totally natural and spontaneous! 3:39pm - that one..... 3:49pm - NO...MORE NATURAL LOOKING!!!! 3:59pm - Ya...that's the one. It really hides my chins! 4:39pm - UGH...gotta get back to work. WHAT A DAY! 4:45pm - When is dinner....and what will WE HAVE? 5:00pm - "'s me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to go over....everything.....they say that time is suppose to heal ya....but I aint done much healing....HELLO...." 5:05pm -Oh I love you.... 5:06pm - gosh - it is so dark......I wish I had the sun still.... 5:15pm - geez...I am feeling a little down now.....maybe I should go home...... 5:15pm - NO....everyone else is gone....but you need to stay until 5:30 at least..... 5:18pm - PACK IT UP CROXFORD! Your colours are getting MURKY! 5:35pm - waiting for King Streetcar. This will be better than my Go trip this morning!! FO-SHOW!
5:37pm - YIKES. The streetcar was too full to stop!! 5:42pm - REALLLLLLY??? THREE FULL CARS IN A ROW?????????? 5:45pm - Will walk to Bathurst and take streetcar North! 5:46pm - stupid commuting - does anyone else know what a nightmare this is??! 5:55pm - WHAT? Bathurst is a nightmare with all these cars!! Okay, I guess I will walk to Spadina - at least there is a dedicated lane for streetcars.... 5:56pm - Seriously - how do people do this everyday?? 6:02pm - REALLY?? A problem with the Spadina line? 3 streetcars in a row - just waiting......F**CK THIS MOTHER-F****** ******* ****** DAMN ****** F***ERS.....I guess I will walk to Union Station and take the GO home! 6:35pm - Home sweet home. 6:36pm - In pyjamas, eating pizza. SO THERE YOU GO! My whole day. |
MY BLOG - YOUR INBOX:AuthorRob is a professional artist, lover of vintage stuff, part time smart @ss and compulsive pancake eater! Archives
December 2019