There.I said it. Remember earlier this week when I mentioned my vay-cay.... Well here is some more about it! I've been back almost a week, and I keep getting asked to describe the colour of my skin...what level of tanned-ness I am...... My husband is calling it "Ballet White"....which is also the Benjamin Moore paint colour in my hallway....but truthfully that really is more of a beige. Which seems a little weird.....BUT being a people pleaser, I will... I'm calling my current shade of tan "Tropical Eggshell" (trademark pending)! are some photos I NEEDED to share - some general weirdness! Then that is IT for Florida talk for a while..... What do you think of those???
I love to hear from you!
HOWDY all! Miss me? I missed you! Well, actually I had a wonderful vacation full of laughs and booze and warm night swimming! BUT I have been thinking about you.....mostly about how terrible it was for you last week....NOT vacationing! So that is something...right? I wanted to share some highlights from my little trip away! I was with my family, and as I mentioned in my post - last week, this was my first visit to Florida without my parents. This was my first.... I think if we amortized our trips to Florida over 40 years- it works out to one visit every 2 years (ish). It was wonderful!!! I am GRATEFUL for the remarkable memories that will stay with me forever! So I guess it isn't a surprise that there were some really bitter-sweet moments of missing my folks this past week...but we sure talked a LOT about them! Thankfully, I think we made some NEW memories we can now look back on with nostalgia!! Mostly it was a lot of fun! SO.....let's get to it.....some of the stuff I saw and did.... I WILL NOT tell you how much I hate PEARSON AIRPORT.... Nope.....I will not mention how we got to the airport THREE FREAKING HOURS EARLY....and only made it to onto our plane with 5 minutes before lift off!!!!! I will not mention the SIX CUE LINES we had to 4am in the morning....... TERRIBLE AIRPORT ORGANIZATION - they should be ASHAMED!!!!!! Okay - rant FLA we rented a house in Kissimmee. Here are some pics... I would stay in a house again....for sure.....but next time I would CHOOSE the house myself online - so I KNEW exactly what the house looked like, and what the amenities were! In FLA we did all the touristy things! Starting with Disney....... ...we went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure too..... YES. I do enjoy a theme park!!
I get a little defensive I find myself trying to explain why I enjoy the obviously corporate-money-grabbing commercialism of the theme park. 1. I have been going since I was 1 years old, so I have a tonne of wonderful memories from Disney. 2. I love the artifice of it - in the same way I enjoy Vegas! It is weird and wonderful and I can enjoy that about it! 3. is all about immersive details...I LOVE THAT! I am often thinking - OOH...that would be fun to design/paint. 4. It's the theatre of it....and I love theatre too! So there you go....stop yer judging already! ;-) |
MY BLOG - YOUR INBOX:AuthorRob is a professional artist, lover of vintage stuff, part time smart @ss and compulsive pancake eater! Archives
December 2019